Nikah-e-Urfi in Muslim Countries: Understanding Its Significance and Controversies
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Nikah-e-Urfi in Muslim Countries: Understanding Its Significance and Controversies
Urfi Nikah | Urfi Marriage | A Secret Marriage | Nikah e Urfi in Practice in Egypt and among Muslims in the Muslim world, Europe and the US, Canada, UK & worldwide
Nikah-e-Urfi, also known as Zawaj Urfi, is a type of marriage that is prevalent in some Muslim countries. While it is not recognized in traditional Islamic law, it has become increasingly popular in recent times, especially among young people who seek a more informal way of getting married.
Nikah e Urfi - An Undocumented Muslim Marriage
Interested in tying the knot without going through a lengthy and complicated legal process? Do you know about Nikah-e-Urfi, a secret marriage that does not require any documentation? The simplicity and privacy of this traditional marriage form have made it popular in recent years in some Muslim countries. Here, we’ll explain what Nikah-e-Urfi is, how it differs from other forms of marriage, and everything else you need to know before considering it. We’re going to explore the world of Nikah-e-Urfi now, so sit back, relax, and enjoy!
What is Urfi Nikah and how does it differ from traditional Islamic marriage?
Nikah-e-Urfi is a type of marriage that is performed with the presence of two witnesses (As required by the Islamic Shari’a) but without official registration. It is considered a verbal agreement between the bride and groom and is recognized as a valid form of marriage in only a few Muslim countries. Unlike traditional Islamic marriage, which requires to e announced publically and official registration, Nikah-e-Urfi is a more informal way of getting married.
The Significance of Nikah-e-Urfi in Muslim Countries
Nikah-e-Urfi is significant in Muslim countries for several reasons. Firstly, it is seen as a way to avoid the expenses and formalities associated with traditional Islamic marriage. Secondly, it allows couples to get married without the consent of their families, which is often a major obstacle in arranged marriages. Thirdly, it is considered a way to prevent premarital sex and to promote chastity among young people.
Controversies Surrounding Nikah-e-Urfi in Muslim Societies
Despite its popularity, Nikah-e-Urfi has been a subject of controversy in Muslim societies. Critics argue that it is a deviation from traditional Islamic marriage and that it lacks the necessary legal safeguards to protect the rights of women. Others believe that it is a form of temporary marriage that encourages promiscuity and undermines the sanctity of marriage.
What are the Requirements for Nikah e Urfi?
There are no specific requirements for Nikah e Urfi, other than the consent of both parties and two witnesses. However, it is recommended that couples seeking to enter into this type of marriage contract consult with a reliable Islamic scholar or lawyer to ensure that all conditions are met. Most of our lawyers are pro-urfi Nikah as it is much better than adultery and non-marital sexual relations.
Criticisms of Nikah-e-Urfi in Muslim Societies
Despite its popularity, Nikah-e-Urfi has been a subject of controversy in Muslim societies. Critics argue that it is a deviation from traditional Islamic marriage and that it lacks the necessary legal safeguards to protect the rights of women.
How to do Nikah e Urfi? A Suggestion to Avoid Zina
A few things need to be done before you can enter into a Nikah e Urfi marriage with your partner. An Islamic scholar or Nikah Khawan/Imam must be willing to officiate the wedding first. An agreement called a Nikah- Nama (in Urdu or English) details the terms of the marriage, including the groom’s financial responsibility for the bride. The Nikah Nama can be registered with the Government authorities and it will be registered with the Nikah Registrar in Pakistan, only, without a computerised record of it. If you don’t want to do so, you can keep it unregistered but it should be signed by the two witnesses and the Imam/Nikah Khawan.
Major Advantages of Our Suggestion For Nikah e Urfi
There are two major advantages of this arrangement. First, by avoiding zina, you can avoid sin. In addition, if any baby born to you shall not be considered an illegitimate child or a bastard child. When he or she will grown up as a Muslim, you will be able to satisfy him or her that you and your spouse had a legitimate Islamic marital relationship, when he or she was born. Following the signing of the nikahnama, our Nikah Khawan/Imam will conduct an Ijab-o-Qabool session in presence of two Muslim, adult male witnesses, and ask the couple about the mutually agreed amount of Mahr (Mahar) as per Islamic Shari’a and then he will recite the Kutba-e-Nikah and the prayer for long life, prosperity and blessing of Almighty Allah for the couple. After Nikah-e-Masnoon, the couple can exchange rings. You are considered Nikahfied and married after that!
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It’s important to note that Nikah e Urfi marriages are not legally recognized in most countries. That means there’s no official documentation of the marriage, which can make things complicated if the relationship ends. It also means that any children born from the union will not have legal status as offspring of the parents. For these reasons, couples considering a Nikah e Urfi marriage should weigh all of the pros and cons before making any decisions.
Legal Status of Nikah-e-Urfi in Different Muslim Countries
The legal status of Nikah-e-Urfi varies from one Muslim country to another. In some countries, it is recognized as a valid form of marriage, while in others, it is considered illegal or not recognized at all.
Nikah e Urfi - A Secret Marriage Exclusive to Muslims
In contrast to other forms of a secret marriage, Nikah e Urfi does not require any legal paperwork. The main advantage of this arrangement is its privacy for couples who do not wish to make their relationship public, as well as its flexibility when it comes to changing or terminating it. Despite the requirement that these marriages are publicly declared and accepted in order to be valid, many couples prefer to keep their commitment private out of respect or convenience. Nikah e Urfi may be the right solution for those who want to enter into a marriage without having to go through formalities such as paperwork and court proceedings.
Nikah-e-Urfi vs Nikah-e-Mutah (Mut'h)
Nikah-e-Urfi is often compared to Nikah-e-Mutah, which is a form of temporary marriage that is recognized in Shia Islam. However, there are several differences between the two. Firstly, Nikah-e-Mutah requires the payment of a specified amount of money or gift to the bride, while Nikah-e-Urfi does not. Secondly, Nikah-e-Mutah has a specific time limit, while Nikah-e-Urfi does not.
The Popularity of Nikah-e-Urfi in Muslim Countries
Nikah-e-Urfi is becoming increasingly popular in some Muslim countries due to various reasons. Firstly, it is seen as a way to bypass the costs and formalities associated with traditional Islamic marriage. Secondly, it allows couples to get married without the consent of their families, which can often be a major hurdle in arranged marriages. Thirdly, it is viewed as a way to prevent premarital sex and to promote chastity among young people.