Online Nikah Khawan Service For Nikah At Home with Nikah Nama in English & Urdu in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Lahore
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Best Nikah Khawan Service For Nikah at home and online Nikah with Urdu & English Nikah Nama in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi is available. Get Your Registered Nikah Nama within 1 Day. Our Nikah Khawan in Islamabad are available for Nikah solemnizing anywhere in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. If you need to perform Nikah in another neighboring area, we can arrange a Nikah Khawan to accompany you, on payment of an additional fee. This is because a Nikah Khawan has to stay at your side during the entire day if you take him to another area.
As of the beginning of 2015, Right Law Associates has 2 Nikah Khawans in Karachi, 1 Nikah Khawans in Islamabad, and 1 Nikah Khawans in Rawalpindi. Now our team consists of 5 Nikah Khawans in Karachi, 2 Nikah Khawans in Islamabad, and 3 Nikah Khawans in Rawalpindi. Aside from Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi, we also provide our services in all surrounding suburbs of these cities. You can have your Nikah ceremony performed for as cheap as Rs.10,000-15,000 (For Nikah at home, where Wali of the girl is available) by simply calling us and booking a qualified Nikah Khawan/Qazi who will reach your location at the appropriate time. Every Nikah Khawan we offer is a registered Nikah Khawan(Qazi).
Besides our Nikah Khawans, our recognized Nikah Registrars are also available in Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi for the prompt registration of Nikah.
Our online order system for Nikah services has been available for Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi since 2012 and our Nikah Khawan (Qazis) are always ready to attend your Nikah ceremonies at your home, in your wedding hall, or at your banquet.
Additionally, you can also visit our offices in Karachi, Islamabad and Rawalpindi for the booking of our Nikah Khawan (Qazi). You can also contact us over the phone or send an SMS for the booking of our Nikah Khawan (Qazi), or you can order on WhatsApp.
Additionally, our office arranges NIKAH WITH SIMPLICITY. Simply schedule a time for the Nikah in our chamber, and then have the bride and groom come to our office at that time. Our Nikah Khawan (Qazi) performs Nikah within 30 minutes which includes Ijab-o-Qabool, Khutba-e-Nikah, signing and obtaining thumb impressions of the bride, groom, attorneys, and witnesses.
During or after the Nikah Ceremony, you can take more time to distribute sweets, take pictures, or record videos.

As everybody knows and realizes, Pakistanis spend huge money on our marriage ceremonies and parties. They also celebrate marriages as a festival and organize several cultural and customary functions. Through our Nikah Khawans (Qazi), you will be charged Rs. 10,000 only, including all legal documentation and registration. Although Nikah Khawan (Qazi) fees vary from city to city, we charge a fixed fee in Islamabad, Karachi, and Rawalpindi. No doubt, our fee is the lowest in Pakistan, but our services are of a high standard.
We charge Rs. Only Rs. 10,000 for the service of our Nikah Khawan (Qazi), but when we organize the Majlis of Nikah (Gathering for Nikah) at our office, we charge a discounted rate of Rs. It costs Rs. 8,000 only for the services of our Nikah Khawan (Qazi). With such NIKAH WITH SIMPLICITY, there is no expense for the marriage hall or banquette, no expense for lunch or dinner, no expense for the decorations, no expense for the bride and groom to wear expensive clothing and jewelry, as well as no expense for travel for the guests. In this simple and easy way, you would simply walk to our office, complete the Shara’i Nikah in about 15-30 minutes and that’s it. If required, you can get in touch with us through e-mail, WhatsApp, SMS, online web form at our website, or through a phone call for any additional detail. You are also welcome to visit our offices in Karachi and Islamabad.
In Pakistan, Nikah Khawans (Qazi) are individuals who perform the Nikah service according to Islamic Sharia. There are many Nikah Khawan (Qazis) in Pakistan who are amateurs, who haven’t studied in any Madressa, and who aren’t registered. All of the Nikah Khawans (Qazis) on our panel are qualified from Islami Madrassas and all are certified. For several years, they have been performing their religious function in Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi in Pakistan. Our Nikah khawans (Qazis) are generally imams of mosques.
A Muslim man can marry not only a Muslim woman but he is allowed to perform Nikah with a non-Muslim Ahle-Kitab (Christian or Jew) woman but a non-Muslim cannot perform Nikah. The Islamic Nikah in Pakistan is solemnized by a Muslim Nikah Khawan (Qazi) qualified from a Madressa. Nikah Khawans (Qazi) can formalize their obligations as Nikah Khawans (Qazi) if they are recognized by a religious authority. Furthermore, a copy of Nikah Khawan’s (Qazi’s) license must be attached to the registration. In the event the Nikah function is performed by an unapproved Nikah Khawan (Qazi), the Nikah cannot be enrolled.
The contract of marriage in Islamic law, or the marriage contract as a whole, is called nikah or nikkah, which occurs exclusively in the Quran. ‘Nikah’ is defined as “marriage; marriage contract; matrimony, wedlock” in the Wehr-Cowan Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic.
The Nikkah/Nikah/marriage ceremony is an exchange of vows between a Muslim man and a Muslim/Christian/Jewish woman, with the intent of combining their lives into one. In Islamic Shari’a, it is permissible for a Muslim man to marry a Christian or a Jew without her having to convert to Islam at any time. A Muslim girl/woman, however, may not solemnize her Nikah (Nikkah) with a non-Muslim. Nikah (Nikkah) is both a personal sacred contract and a social announcement for male and female partners. The Qur’an and Sunnah strongly encourage marriage as it is said to “complete half of someone’s deen (way of life).” “And He (Allah) has made for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may take wellbeing in them and He has placed between you love and mercy.” [Al-Qur’an: Surah 30, Verse 21] The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Marriage is my way (Sunnah).” “Whoever stays away from it is not one of us.” – [Sahih-Al-Bukhari].
We welcome the opportunity to assist you with any further inquiries regarding Nikah (Nikkah), Qazi (Nikah Khawan) or Nikah Registrar through email, WhatsApp, SMS, online web form on our site, or via a telephone call. Also, you are welcome to visit our offices in Karachi and Islamabad, which are open from 10 AM to 7 PM.
Marriage in Islam: A Step-by-Step Guide
Following is an outline of the Islamic Marriage Nikah (Nikkah) Online or Offline:

There are Nikah Registrars appointed by the Government in different parts of the cities who are in charge of registering Nikah. We at Right Law Associates offer Nikah Khawan in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore, as well as registering your Nikahnama (Official Document of Nikah). The Nikah Registrar receives the official Nikah Registration Fee and seals the Nikahnama after it is registered. The only person authorized to register the Nikah is the Nikah Registrar, who is duly authorized to do so. It is required by law in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Steps to Getting Married in Islam
The sections of the Nikah (Nikkah) Islamic festival are as follows:
1. Submission & Consideration
This is the first step in a Muslim Marriage. Usually, family elders seek out a suitable mate for their children through friends, family members, or marriage counselors. The marriage proposal is sent to the bride or to the groom’s parents. Alternatively, the young man can approach the father or guardian of the woman he wishes to marry and ask for his hand. “A woman can get married for 4 reasons: by her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her love of religion, blessed are those who marry her because of her respect.” – [Sahih-al-Bukhari & Sahih-al-Muslim] Note: Mixing of two “Non-Mahram” or “dating” is not allowed before Nikah (Nikkah). The bride and groom are allowed to meet and speak, before Nikah (Nikkah), in a controlled environment in the presence of a Mahram (father/brother/guardian).
2. Consent or Permission For Nikah (Online/Offline)
Once a party has obtained the consent of the man or woman who is to marry, the proposal will be accepted. Permission is a crucial step, since progress can’t be made without it. Prior to proceeding again, all conditions/conditions of the marriage must be agreed upon (e.g., emigration after marriage).
3. Nikah (Nikkah) Online/Offline
Afterward, there is the Nikah (Nikkah), which is a real wedding ceremony. The performance of Nikah (Nikkah) depends on a few things. A “mahr”, or wedding gift or dower, is given by the groom to the bride. Money, jewelry, or other valuables could be given as a gift, or a simple act could do it. Mahar has no defined value or meaning, as it varies according to people and cultures. Mahr can be paid in full in advance, partially in advance and partially deferred, or deferred but payable on demand. – [Sahih-ul-Bukhari] – Ijab-o-Qubool: Then comes “Ijab” expressing the determination of marriage and acceptance of the Qubool (acceptance) offer. A wali or a vakil is typically the one who accepts a proposal on behalf of the bride. It consists of a written document (Nikah Nama) signed by both the bride and groom, as well as two well-known witnesses. Khutbah: The Nikah Khawan/Imam will give a sermon about Muslim weddings and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the people gathered at the wedding ceremony with the bride and groom.
4. Walima After Online/Offline Nikah
After the Nikah (Nikkah) is over, the groom’s side performs a wedding feast called “Walima or Valima”. Among the main purposes of Walima is to inform the public that marriage exists between two people. This is important since secret marriages are discouraged and marriage is only considered valid if both parties are informed. Waleema also serves as an occasion to celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones. In addition, it is essential to invite the poor into the party with everyone else. There should be no waste in this ceremony, as the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said: “The most sacred Nikah is the one that is least expensive.” – [Al-Bayhaqi] Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) also said: “A marriage ceremony (Walima) where the rich people are invited but the poor are not is the worst nourishment. “Whoever rejects the invitation of Walima (feast) does not obey Allah and His Messenger (PBUH).”- [Sahih-al-Bukhari] Explained by Anas: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not prepare a better wedding feast (Walima) than he did when he married Zainab, and that feast had one sheep.” – [Sahih-al-Bukhari]
Thinking about getting married? The Aight law associates can help you with Nikah (Nikkah).
Contact Our Family Lawyer/Representative NOW for an Appointment for Court Marriage/Online Marriage
Court Marriage Office, ISLAMABAD: 10 am to 7 pm
Court Marriage Office KARACHI: 10 am to 7 pm
Court Marriage Office, LAHORE: 9 am to 5 pm
Please contact us through Phone or WhatsApp.
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