Is online Nikah Islamic Service through vakil/proxy is allowed in Islam?
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ONLINE NIKAH: Trend of Online Nikah in Muslims

Online Nikah Islamic Service through vakil/proxy in Islam
Online Nikah: Is online Nikah via Vakil/Attorney/Proxy is Allowed in Islam? Yes, online Nikah is Islamic & allowed in Islam if done through Vakil/attorney/proxy.
The trend of online nikah is gaining popularity in the Muslim world. Online nikah has been around since the early 2010s, but it is gaining more attention as of late due to the growing popularity of social media and online dating sites.
The online marriage trend is most popular in countries like Pakistan where there are high levels of poverty and unemployment among young people. The lack of jobs makes it difficult for young people to get married, so many have turned to online Nikah instead.
The trend has also been seen among older couples who do not have time or money to travel out-of-state for a traditional wedding ceremony.
Online Nikah Service Allows Couples to Get Married Quickly
People are Getting Married Easily through Online Nikah
In countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan, where traditional marriage ceremonies are not always accessible to all people, online nikah has become a popular option for those who wish to get married.
From the past few years, some law firms in the Islamic countries have been offering people the option of getting married through an online ceremony. In this ceremony, two people meet up with an nikah khawan/imam and their families who then conduct an Islamic nikah ceremony over Skype or WhatsApp. This allows couples to get married quickly and easily while still following religious traditions.
The trend of online nikah is becoming more popular as technology becomes more advanced and accessible to everyone around the world, including those living in remote areas where it may be difficult to find someone who can perform your wedding ceremony without much travel time involved with getting there from one place to another!
Trend of Online Nikah Started in the Middle East
Some Couple Say that Online Nikah is More Convenient than Traditional
The trend of online nikah started in the Middle East and has since spread to other countries. The reasons for this are many. Some couples say that online nikah is more convenient than traditional marriage ceremonies, which require a lot of planning and can be expensive. Other couples choose online nikah because they believe it will allow them to marry quickly without having to go through all the formalities associated with traditional marriages. Finally, some couples say that online nikah is more private than traditional nikah ceremonies, which often involve large parties and celebrations that are open to the public.
20% of All Nikah Ceremonies were Online, in the Middle East
According to a study done by the International Union for Muslim Scholars, more than 20% of all nikahs in the Middle East are now conducted online. The study also found that these online nikah are more likely to be between people of different nationalities or religions than traditional marriages.
The trend first started in countries like Egypt and Pakistan where there was a high rate of arranged marriages. However, it has since spread to other countries including Indonesia and Malaysia. These countries have seen an increase in divorce rates over the last few decades which may be contributing to this shift towards online nikah.
Nikah is an Arabic word for “wedding”. Some Muslims believe that online nikah ceremonies should not be recognized because they do not meet Islamic standards for conducting such ceremonies. Others argue that since it’s difficult for many young people to find suitable partners within their own communities, online marriages can help them find someone compatible with whom they can share their lives

Trend of Online Nikah is on the Rise!
Women who were born after the early 2000s are leading this trend
The trend of online marriage is on the rise in the Muslim world. In fact, according to recent surveys, over 90% of marriages in Saudi Arabia are arranged by family members, and over 50% of those marriages are made through online matchmaking websites.
Women who were born after the early 2000s are leading this trend. They are more likely than older generations of women to want to get married online because it allows them to meet more people and choose a partner who suits them better.
Online Marriage: Became Increasingly Common in Pakistan
Online Marriage is Expected to be a US$30 Billion Industry by 2024
The online marriage is expected to be a $30 billion industry by 2024.
Online nikahs (marriages) are becoming increasingly common in Pakistan and other countries with large Muslim populations. The trend is driven by a number of factors, including:
-The high cost of traditional weddings in many countries;
-The desire for privacy among young couples living with their parents;
-The desire to avoid the social stigma associated with divorce; and
-The convenience of arranging a marriage online.
The Idea of Online Nikah is Not New But Slow to Catch on
The idea of online nikah is not new, but it’s been slow to catch on. In fact, there are several reasons why the idea has been so slow to catch on:
First, there was no real need for online nikah until recently. Most people could get married without ever leaving their country or even their hometowns. But now that more and more people are traveling abroad for work or education, they have trouble finding someone who shares their beliefs and values—and they don’t want to settle for someone who doesn’t share them just because they’re desperate to get married.
Second, people have been taught from an early age that nikah should make a sacred union between two people who know each other well and share common goals and interests. This can make it difficult for them to imagine marrying someone they’ve never met before—or even talked with on the phone!
And third: there were no good tools available for making an online nikah service easy to use!

Online Nikah: Growing Trend in the Muslim World
Online Nikah: Is online Nikah through a vakil, attorney or proxy is allowed in Islam? Yes, online Nikah is Islamic & allowed in Islam if done through vakil/attorney/proxy.
Online Nikah is a growing trend in the Muslim world, with a high number of followers of Islam in Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan.
In Indonesia, it is estimated that over half of all nikah are arranged through social media platforms. These platforms have become a popular way for families to meet potential spouses for their children.
In Malaysia, there are now more than 2 million users on Facebook who have set up profiles looking for marriage partners. Some even use these platforms as a way to find their future spouses.
It is also becoming increasingly common in Pakistan where over half of the marriages are arranged by families and friends rather than through dating websites or mobile apps.
ONLINE NIKAH: Is Online Nikah Islamic?
Yes, an online Nikah through an attorney or proxy is Islamic. Marriages performed by friends or family members can be considered valid under Islamic law if they follow certain guidelines set out by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For example, he said that marriages should be performed by someone who has authority over both parties involved in the marriage and that there must be witnesses present at the ceremony.
The marriage of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) with Bibi Umme Habiba was a marriage through an attorney/proxy. In this case, Hazrat Muhammad’s attorney acted on behalf of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) by getting married to Bibi Umme Habiba while living in exile in Abyssinia without his presence at all!
Online Nikah: Getting Married Online
For Online Nikah, Couple should be Legally Eligible For Nikah
The first requirement for an online nikah is that both parties should be legally eligible for marriage. Online nikah is a way of getting married while staying far away from each other, usually residing in different countries. A lot of people in Pakistan are getting married through online nikah, but only a few know about its Islamic requirements and procedure.
Nikah online through an attorney or a proxy is completely Islamic, if all the other requirements of Islamic laws for nikah have to be fulfilled for an online nikah to be valid and acceptable.

Online Nikah For Arranged Marriages
Online Nikah: Arranged Marriage or Love Marriage?
People still ask us that is online Nikah’s Islamic Service through a vakil/proxy is allowed in Islam? Please note that, YES, online Nikah is Islamic & allowed in Islam if done through Vakil/attorney/proxy.
We have observed that 60% of online nikah conducted during the last 12 month, were an out-come of arranged marriages. In most cases, boy or girl was living abroad and the other was staying in Karachi, Lahore or Islamabad/Rawalpindi, Pakistan. In most cases, the marriage was arranged by the elders of the family.
Arranged marriages in Pakistan and India can be traced back to the tribal and feudal society. It is a tradition that has been followed for centuries in these countries. In fact, it is still very common in these societies today.
People sometimes get married because of their parent’s wishes, even if they do not love their partner. People who live in these cultures are likely to live unhappy lives because their parents choose who they should marry. This is because they are not allowed to make their own choices about love and relationships.
The practice of arranged marriages began when families would make arrangements for their children to be married to another family’s child by way of mutual agreement. In this way, both families would benefit from the arrangement as it would ensure that both families remained connected and prosperous.
Arranged marriages are still common today in both countries, although they have evolved from being a necessity to a cultural tradition. This transition occurred because of the evolution of the societies themselves; as people became more educated and technology advanced, arranged marriages have become less necessary for survival and more about maintaining tradition and culture.