Online Nikah | Online Nikah Services For Muslims Worldwide From Pakistan | Online Nikah in Islam is Allowed
- Date modified:
- 2024-03-02
Online Nikah Services in Pakistan | Online Nikah in Islam is Allowed if Conducted Through a Vakeel
Online Nikah | Online Nikah Services For Muslims Worldwide From Pakistan | Online Nikah in Islam is Allowed | Online Nikah is Legal in Pakistan & valid in Islam: Online Nikah through Vakeel is Legal in Pakistan and valid in Islam. Online Nikah in Islam is solemnized on an internet video call or on a telephonic call. The concept of online nikah or online marriage refers to a formal marriage between a man and a woman over the Internet.
Pakistanis and other Muslims, living Abroad have the Legal Option of Using the Online Nikah Service in Pakistan
Pakistanis living abroad who are unable to attend their marriages in person have the option of using the online Nikah service in Pakistan. They become husband and wife through this legal procedure. In Pakistan, online marriage is becoming an increasingly common trend. This is generally a very simple and quick process, just like a court marriage and often pronounced as online shadi. Every citizen of Pakistan has the right to perform nikah online or physically according to his/her choice.
Online Nikah is Convenient For People Who Live Overseas or in Remote Areas
Online nikah is especially convenient for those who live overseas or in remote villages or urban areas of Pakistan. Furthermore, it is a viable option for those who do not have the time to travel and attend their wedding. The couple is not able to attend the ‘nikah’ wedding ceremony. In this case, an online Nikah is required.
Online Nikah/Online Marriage is also called a Proxy Marriage
Another name for online Nikah/online marriage is proxy marriage. Both the bride and the groom are not present at the same time or place. Thus, online Nikah or online marriage in Pakistan takes place via video call. First and foremost, the marriage is solemnized in front of a marriage registrar, commonly known as a Nikkah Khawan. As a result, Online Nikah in Pakistan was registered according to Islamic Laws in Pakistan.

Online Nikah and Online Marriages in Muslim Countries
Whenever someone is about to engage in online Nikah and online marriages in Muslim Countries, they must be aware of the various legal issues involved. It is important to know that the process of online Nikah and online marriages in Muslims countries are generally permissible but it is not possible to make a valid online nikkah without the approval of the custodian or wali. Moreover, it is not permitted to expedite the process of nikkahnama and to practice polygyny.
Online Nikah is Allowed in Islam But…
Whether you’re a Muslim or not, the question is whether it’s a good idea to get married online. Actually, marriage is a legal contract and every contract can be done through attornys/Vakeels/proxies. So online nikah is allowed in Islam but there should be authorized attorneys/Vakils/proxies present during Nikah proceedings. In many cases, it’s an easy way to avoid the hassles associated with offline interactions, and it’s also a great way to reduce the chances of pre-marital sexual relations. However, as with any relationship, there are risks involved.
Getting married online can be a big risk, especially if you live in a conservative Muslim country. This is especially true in Saudi Arabia, where a woman cannot leave the country unless she is approved by the government. The country is also a strict purveyor of Sharia law, and men are often required to obtain prior approval to travel.
Seek the Advice of an Expert Family Lawyer Before Conducting Online Nikah/Online Marriage
As with any form of online engagement, reasonable precautions must be taken to ensure that the marriage is not scuttled. For instance, it may be a good idea to seek the advice of an expert family lawyer before entering into an online nikah. Similarly, it is also a good idea to do your research before handing over your hard-earned money. If you’re considering a cross-border marriage, make sure you understand the legal and cultural differences between the two countries.
The most important rule of thumb is to make sure that the person you’re proposing is of marriageable age, and has consent from his/her mahram. In some cases, you may need to have a formal chaperoned visit between families.
Online Nikah is valid by telephone or video calling or online voice calling
Using the internet to conduct a marriage is not considered the standard Muslim law. Nonetheless, it is becoming increasingly popular. Many Muslims have embraced a variety of internet matrimonial sites in Pakistan as well as in the Muslim world. The trend has gained popularity throughout the world, with many countries now embracing it.
In the Islamic world, it is not uncommon for Muslim couples to have their marriages over the telephone. Traditionally, the wali, or the person with the authority over the bride, selects the groom. However, modern advances have enabled couples to see each other’s faces and hear their voices, when the groom proposes.
Key Pillers of a Online Nikah
One of the key pillars of a online nikah is the bride and groom’s proposal. A nikah must include the bride’s and groom’s verbal acceptances. It is also important to note that Islam encourages good deeds and averts Muslim’s from tribulations.
The most important proviso in an Islamic nikah is the groom’s offer. A valid marriage contract is one that satisfies all three conditions: the bride’s proposal, the groom’s acceptance, and the bride’s and groom’s witnesses.
The Islamic legal system lays out the Ittehad-e-Majlis as a requirement for a valid marriage contract. The condition is a simple one: the bride and groom must be present in the same location.
In addition, the marriage contract must include a few other important elements. For example, in a traditional marriage/Nikah, the bride’s father or guardian must give his or her consent. Some scholars also argue that taking vows over the phone on the internet is the same as actually tying the knot.
Online Islamic Nikah is Very Easy and Convenient
It is very easy to perform an Islamic nikah over the telephone or through a video or audio call. The Islamic Fiqh Council has issued fatwas stating that this is not forbidden in Islam to get married through a vakeel or attorney/proxy.
Online Nikah or Nikah in Person Requires Acceptance (qabul, qubul), and Consent of the Custodian (Wali)
Regardless of whether you are planning to marry in a Muslim country or online, you should understand that the stipulations you put in your marriage contract are subject to Islamic law. The Qur’an defines marriage as a legal relationship based on love and equality. The stipulations included in your contract may cover the legal rights of the parties, such as equal divorce rights, child custody, alimony, and domestic responsibilities. These contracts can also include protective religious measures.
In traditional Islamic law, the couple can divorce and remarry. However, successive divorces should not occur within the same waiting period. If the husband wants to divorce the wife, he must first have her absolve herself of any slander.
Islamic Nikah/marriage contracts can also include protective stipulations. These stipulations can include deferred mahr, an immediate gift, or a combination of both.
Mahr is sometimes translated as dower money. In traditional Islamic law, the mahr is a gift given to the bride during the marriage. The gift is payable on demand and becomes the bride’s property. The gift is sometimes used as an argument in a divorce.
In addition to mehar (mahr), Islamic marriage contracts may include stipulations regarding equal divorce rights. These stipulations include education, work, and living conditions. The wife may earn part of the mahr if she works. Likewise, a husband may earn part of the mahr if he works.
The stipulation on mehar (mahr) is more common overseas than in the U.S. If the woman get a divorce from her husband without cause, a deferred mehar (mahr) may not be payable to her.
When the wife divorces her husband, she has the right to half of the mahr. This stipulation is often referred to as the “Marry and Dump” practice.
Polygamy and Online Nikah in Islam
Despite the fact that many Muslim countries have banned polygamy, it is still practiced in Pakistan. Most countries where polygamy is permitted, restrict the right of the husband to marry more than one wife. However, other countries may still recognize polygamous marriages between Muslim men and non-Muslim women.
Polygamy is not a law but rather a cultural practice. Men who practice polygyny must treat each wife equally. This is difficult to achieve in practice, but is still a requirement. It also requires that the husband is able to provide for each wife equally.
In many Muslim countries, men must state their polygamy intentions before they marry. In some cases, they must also ask the permission of their first wife. Some women can also divorce their husbands if they do not feel they are being treated equally.
In some cases, polygamy is allowed for economic reasons. Men who are financially independent can have more than one wife. However, many wives who are not financially independent may not be able to divorce their husbands in violation of their marriage contract.
Polygamy is most common in African countries. In fact, the United Nations has called polygamy as a form of discrimination against women. It can also be a status symbol, and some polygamists say it symbolizes riches.
Some countries have advocated polygamy to decrease the number of unmarried women. However, it is still illegal in most other regions. Some countries, such as Switzerland, have explicitly outlawed polygamy.
While polygamy is legal in many places, there are some countries that have prohibited it, such as Israel. Israel’s marriage laws are backed by religious rulings.
Who signs the Nikahnama while online Nikah?
If either the bride or groom is absent during an online marriage or nikah, the absent party appoints an attorney or a special attorney through the written document. Furthermore, a power of attorney is given as permission to sign the Nikah Nama. In such cases, it is best to hire a family lawyer with knowledge of both Pakistani and international family law. Right Law Associates is a top-notch law firm in Pakistan serving since 1982 in various legal fields, especially in court marriage and online marriage or online nikah.
How to do an online nikah?
Get in touch with our online nikah attorney to set up an appointment first. The required documents must also be submitted. The next step is for the absent party to appear on a conference call after the documents are received and the agreed-upon date and time of Nikah are established.
During an online nikah, the registrar performs the ceremony in front of witnesses. The Nikah Registrar will then complete all four Nikah Nama. Furthermore, the bride, groom, or their Online lawyers will sign the Nikah Nama. Most importantly, the nikkah registrar signed the Nikah nama. Additionally, if both partners are not present at the time of Nikah but would like to appoint an attorney, then we send Nikah Nama for their signatures through registered mail.
A female cannot perform Nikah in Middle Eastern countries such as the U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, etc. without a wali. Such a requirement does not exist in Pakistani marriage laws. There is no requirement for a Wali to perform online Nikah in Pakistan. The Pakistani Nikah Nama contains a special clause that discusses the appointment of representatives on behalf of couples who are getting married.
Documents Required for Online Nikah in Pakistan:
The following documents are required to perform nikah online on a video call.
- A copy of the CNIC of the bride and groom (or a copy of the passport)
- Six Passport size photos.
- Letter of Wakeel Appointment/ permission letter
- Two witnesses and their CNIC copies.
- In case the groom is having a second marriage, permission for the second marriage must be obtained from the first wife.
- If the bride is marrying for a second time, she must present a divorce certificate or death certificate of a deceased spouse.
What documents will you get after the online Nikah?
After the completion of the online nikah, you will get the following documents from us as legal proof:
- Registration of Nikahnama
- Copies of Urdu Nikah Nama
- Nikahnama English / Arabic translations
- NADRA Marriage Certificate
- Attestation from Notary Public / Foreign Affairs
- Attestation from Concerned Embassy
How can Right Law Associates help you perform Online Nikah?
Since 1982, Right Law Associates has been one of Pakistan’s top law firms. We are now recognized as the most trusted law firm in Karachi and Islamabad for our experience in all facets of legal matters such as Family Law, Property Laws, Civil Law, and Criminal Law. We offer free consultations in the above-mentioned areas. Also, we offer court marriages, online marriages, and complete documentation for a significantly lower fee than other law firms. If you have any questions regarding marriage laws, marital issues, separation, or other legal matters. Please leave a comment in the comment box or send us an email at or call us at 0331-6644789. We Fight for Your Right!