Court Marriage | Required Documents for Court Marriage

Court Marriage
Required Documents For Court Marriage

The required documents for solemnizing the court marriage to prove their identities, ages, and their previous matrimonial status must be provided by the groom and bride. Here is the list of documents required for court marriage:

Required documents for Court Marriage

List of Documents Required For Court Marriage

  1. Proof of Individual’s Age, CNIC, “B” Form, or Educational Certificates are required by the groom and the bride.

    2. An affidavit of the female in relation to her Free Will, Legal Status, Marital Status, and Age. Attestation of the affidavit must be made by a judicial officer, special magistrate, Notary Public, or an oath commissioner.

    3. The groom’s affidavit regarding his marital status to assure that he is not already married, be attested by the justice of the peace, a special magistrate, or a commissioner of oaths.

    4. The male must provide documentation for permission of a second marriage in case of a second marriage.

    5. Six passport-sized photographs of both male and female must be affixed to documents.

    6. For verification of the details of the marriage, it is important to have two witnesses with CNICs or passports.

    7. Divorced males and females must provide a copy of the Divorce Certificate issued by the Union Council.

    8. In the case of a widow, a Death Certificate of her deceased husband must be

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